Monday, September 10, 2007

Bring on the fall!

Enough of the hot weather with no rain. Whose ready for some great cool, windy fall days?? Just to remember some fun summer times, here are a few summer pics.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Boy Lingo

Ok... I obviously need to get up on my boy 'lingo:'


Mom: Christian, why do you have on two pairs of boxers?
Christian: What?
Mom: Why do I see two pairs of boxers on you?
Christian: What do you mean?
Mom: Come here. (pulling up on the second pair of boxers)
Christian: Oh, for protection when Alec pants me.
Mom: What's "pants me" mean?
Christian: You don't KNOW what pantsing means?
Mom: No. What is it? (bending over and loading the dishwasher)

At which point I found my shorts around my ankles and my son running away.

Christian: That's what pantsing means!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Only here...

OK... maybe this is not just alabama, it may happen anywhere... but I was looking at the 'free' section of craigslist to see what in the heck they offer for free and I found this post. Priceless...

Converted Fridge for homebrew. Can fit 4 cornies and 5lb CO2 tank inside. Comes drilled for 2 taps and already has shanks installed. 1 corny keg inside, needs to be cleaned (a little brown ale left). Has been lefft on the street at the corner of 11th Ave South and 24th Street South (behind Virginia Sanford Theater). Just come by and take it away.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Check out this website... it is mom and dad's b & b.

Look out below!

My friend Tracy and I went to Ashville about 2 weeks ago to visit my mom. She took us to some cool stores and lunch in a neighboring town and then took us to visit the tallest covered bridge in America. The first time she went (with my grandma), she called me from the bridge to tell me if they didn't make it across, to remember she loved me. Ok... my first thought was 'how tall can a covered bridge really be?' Well, I realized that when we saw it... they can be really tall over a really steep and rocky ravine. So tall, that I refused to cross it in the Tahoe... even after we saw a car and truck cross. It was really amazing, but a little frightening. Evidently, there are a lot of farms on the other side of the bridge and I believe it is the only way to get across from the farms to the town. It is a 1 lane bridge, so you have to wait your turn. It was built about 100 years ago, give or take a few years, and was renovated in 1974. Nothing since then. Evidently, a family, who owned a mill built the bridge. The only way to the mill was to cross a river and during seasons of high water, no one would visit the mill because of the level of the river, so to protect business interest, they built the covered bridge. I am posting pictures of the bridge also. Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Ok... We went to our favorite b-b-q restaurant today. Spur of the moment. We usually go during the week, which is obviously the time to go. They said they were understaffed, everyone had called in... only 2 servers working... only smoking section open...shall I go on? We ate, and then Campbell needed to go to the restroom... I normally go with her, but it was right behind us and I have been many times... very small, etc. So I sent her in alone. She was in for a few minutes, and Chris said he was going to get the car and start the air conditioner (90 to 100 degrees, a normal, July day for the South). I said to wait, so I could go check on Campbell first (and he could watch the other kids). So, I scoot around the divider and into the bathroom. My first thought was "oh... they have renovated in here... and put in a urinal...oh...I think I entered the wrong door..." Thankfully, although the toilet was just flushed and still filling, there were no men around. I left and entered the girls... helped Campbell wash her hands and we came out together. Chris is staring at the door and looks at me and points to the men's door... I nod yes. Later I asked him if he saw me go into the men's restroom. He said no, but Christian did and when I came out he started laughing so hard. Oh well!